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3 Essential Things to Pack for a Gorilla Safari

3 Essential Things to Pack for a Gorilla Safari


Packing for the safari is taking along the essentials that you will need on your safari in Uganda. There are certainly some must things you don’t leave behind. Clearly your passport, your airline ticket, the immunization cards and the cash.

In case you are planning a gorilla safari in Uganda and trying to figure out what you should carry, what is appropriate clothing for women considering the variation but want to ensure that everything you buy is socially sensitive the packing list below has it all.


The main thing is to be more comfortable and on the whole as long as you are sensible you are unlikely to offend. Always remember, Uganda is not a very conservative dressing style country, and glances tend to mind their own business most of the time but just before the list here is the all-purpose some advice.

Usually, it’s not critically appropriate for women to show their thighs, so skirts or dresses below the knee, capris or long pants are your best bet. On top it doesn’t really matter how covered you are for the sake of modesty, you would mostly be considering protection from the sun. With the long skirts, be careful that they are not too thick of material. Some skirts people bring are not nearly as ideal as you would imagine, because you can get really hot for wearing them.

The long pants, consider if they drag / Touch the ground. The red dirt will get on anything that it touches. Always be forewarned. We also recommend a pair of chaos to wear around the compound or another sturdy walking sandal for daily use. For gorilla trekking, be sure you have some good hiking boots. They don’t call it Bwindi an impenetrable forest for nothing. For gorilla trekking, long pants/ trousers and tall socks that you can tuck your pants into. This works totally good. Even though some trackers get fancy hiking gears that includes some sort or sleeve type thing that goes over the pants from the knee to the shoe and this presents ants from getting in. Either way works.

It’s always cool in the morning up in the mountains, but gets so hot once you start the hike. Always bring gloves, gardening or similar, it might seem like something not to be considered but you will not regret! They help as you grab on the trees and the vines to help yourself along the tough hike, and lots of times you might grab onto the thorns. Your hands might get a little ripped up by the end.

Below is the list of things that the clients forget and leave behind. The valuable items should be packed into the carry on to make sure that they get here and always pack enough clothing for a day into your carryon bag in case your bag is temporarily without their owner.

Guide Books

These include; a copy of the Bradt Guide book, anti malaria regiment along with any other medicine you might need, sun lotion, Bug repellent for skin and clothing, Imodium, first aid kit, a couple of packets of antiseptic hand wipes, sun glasses, binoculars, cameras, flashlight, hand battery, hand sanitizer. The other things include; 2-3 pairs of light weight slacks, 1 pair of shots, 1-2 short sleeved shirts, a breathable water proof and windproof jacket, swim suit, 1 skirt, sweaters, water proof walking boots, pair of sports sandals, telescopic trekking staff, hat, sleep wear, under wear, light weight wool socks, gloves, alarm clock, ear plugs, and the wash cloth.


The accessories include; back pack, walking shoes, glasses and the contact lenses, safari or sun hat and sun glasses. Clothing in neutral colors, always avoid bright colors and whites, which can distract animals. the batteries for small electronics and cameras, binoculars, charges, for the cell phone, video camera and the laptop, head phones for watching in-flight movies, iPod, reusable water bottle, small compass and the video camera.

The health and beauty items include; antibacterial wipes, body lotion, comb and brush, contact lens solution, deodorant, face cleanser, floss, insect repellent, lip balm, Malaria tablets, personal hygiene items, Prescriptions, Razors, Shampoo and conditioner, Shaving gel, Soap, Sunscreen Toothbrush, Toothpaste. First aid kit, including gas-relief tablets, antacid, antidiarrheal medicine, antihistamine for allergies, bandages, candied ginger for motion sickness, mild laxative, non-aspirin pain reliever, thermometer in a hard case

The Miscellaneous items include; the address of family and friends for post cards, ATM/ credit cards, bird and animal guidebooks, contact information, Driver’s license, health insurance card, healthy snacks, local guide books, maps, money belt, Money conversion chart, passport, photocopies of passport, photograph of the luggage contents, printouts of the reservations, translation dictionary, travel pillow, vaccination certificate, Ziploc bags and many more.

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